Curt Clifton

Defying Gravity…

On this Thanksgiving we’re saying “mahalo”and substituting fresh grilled shrimp for turkey.

I look forward to being able to breathe again! 179AA098-4529-4B97-B039-AD6311A7A4FD.jpg

We’re going in the right direction today. Aloha!

“… with the Trump tax cut, the doctrine has failed again. Unfortunately, it’s difficult to get politicians to understand something when their campaign contributions depend on their not understanding it.” —Paul Krugman

Ready to vote.

“If you’re sick and tired, too, here is what you can do. Vote for Democrats on Tuesday. For every office. Regardless of who they are.” — Max Boot

“The public has seen Trump’s fusion of ethno-nationalism and orthodox GOP plutocracy put into governing practice, and is rejecting it.” —Greg Sargent Let this be true and restore my faith in America.

“The reason for the talk about invasion is simple: Trump and Fox News are trying to manipulate white voters into supporting Republican candidates. There is considerable evidence from research experiments that scaring people makes them more conservative, at least temporarily.” —Nicholas Kristof

“In the Trump era, people who should be shunned are embraced…” —Karen Tumulty

“The angry obsessive is absolutely vulnerable to being stoked, inflamed, and inspired by angry rhetoric. Speech can inspire violence. … It’s one reason why civility and a sense of proportion in your speech aren’t just abstract … concepts. They’re moral responsibilities for people with any kind of meaningful platform.” —David French

“Trump is doing the opposite. He is deliberately exacerbating our divisions for partisan gain. He is risking widespread political violence so that he and his Republican supporters can hold on to office.” —Max Boot

“The barbarian savior loves to see a reporter body-slammed, to parade his ignorance, to strut his lies, to broadcast his bigotry, to empower rich Middle Eastern murderers, to humiliate a woman traumatized by sexual assault, to incite his followers to violence, …” —Roger Cohen